Christmas Needs You
The Christmas holiday is mixed with so many emotions. Seeing the joy on a child’s face as they experience the excitement of unwrapping a gift with their name on it. If only life could be so simple, and everyone had the ability to provide this experience for their children. So many are struggling to put food on the table that giving a new gift at Christmas has become more out of reach than ever. Thankfully, with the help of our community, there is an opportunity to fill in gaps for those who are struggling, especially over the holidays.
The Christmas Bureau exists to provide the opportunity for those wishing to participate in the Christmas holiday tradition. Each family and senior that qualifies for the program will receive a gift for each member of the household and the ingredients for a Christmas meal. Last year there were 996 households that qualified for the program.
Christmas Neighbour Application
The program offers two different delivery methods. One option is for program participants to be matched with a Christmas Neighbour. This is a great way for a group of people to have a tangible experience of the true spirit of Christmas. Christmas Neighbours will receive the gift “wish list” of the family and dietary considerations for the holiday meal. The Christmas Neighbour will then arrange with the participant the drop off or meet up location before December 24th. Of 996 households that last year, we were able to match 405 households with Christmas Neighbours.
“Seeing the amazing impact this made on some local families in need was a special moment. It meant a lot to these people and in turn it meant a lot to me to be able to help during a tough time.” Murray Kia Abbotsford
“It was a great experience to take our kids shopping for our Christmas neighbours and teach them about the importance of sharing with others when we have the ability to do so. We hope to make this an annual tradition for our family!” – Christmas Neighbour
For participants that are not matched or do not wish to be matched, the Christmas Bureau creates a magical toy land that is generously stocked by our community through Toys for Tots Christmas Brunch and toy donations that are received all year long. Parents are then able to shop for free for a gift from their child’s wish list. In addition, each participant will receive the ingredients to a traditional holiday meal.
Here is how this program and the commitment of our community impacts participants of the program.
“My Christmas would have looked very sad. As a single-income family this helped us greatly. I was able to breathe and relax a bit more during the holidays knowing my children had things to open up on Christmas morning.” Parent
“Hola si soy una solicitante de refugio y fue de mucha ayuda ya que la verdad llegué a pensar que no tendría juguete mis niños pero gracias a ustedes cumplieron el mismo sueño que todos los años nuestra navidad fue maravillosa” – Parent
“Without you guys, under the tree would have been very bare, and the money I saved by you giving me food & toys went to help other things that kiddo really needed. Trust me, you helped more than you know this year, thank you, best wishes to you all.” – Parent
If you would like to make a difference in the life of one of your neighbours over the holidays, please consider applying here or make a financial contribution.
Another way to help support the program is by attending the Toys for Tots Christmas Brunch on November 24th. More details here: abbytoysfortots.com
If you are facing tough times and would like to learn how to access the program, please visit the here.