Starfish Matching Campaign Success!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 3-day Starfish Matching Campaign! Not only did we meet our goal of 10 backpacks, but we more than doubled it in less than 48 hours. Because of your generosity, 24 new Starfish Packs will be going out in the 2017/18 school year. That’s 912 times that a child will walk home with a backpack full of food this year, 5,472 meals that will be provided, and (most importantly) 24 kids who will have their lives changed forever because of your kindness.
I guess, by this point, we shouldn’t be surprised anymore. Abbotsford is, after all, the most generous city in Canada (for the 14th consecutive year!). But the truth is that we are. We are blown away by your goodness to us.
“Because it was a team effort. Because our community rallied together.
Perhaps the most encouraging thing in all of this is that no one donor did it all. In fact, no one made any contribution larger than $525. Why do we celebrate that? Because it was a team effort. Because our community rallied together. And because our community so clearly cares.
Special shout-outs also need to go Chevron Canada and Spiro Creative. Not only did Chevron Canada match the first 5 backpacks as they originally promised, but extended their contribution to include another 6 once they saw the traction that the campaign had garnered. Thank you, also, to the wonderful team at Spiro Creative who helped us put together the Kid Talk video. It was a pleasure working with them and they come highly recommended. Without both of their support, none of this would have been possible.
Words cannot express our appreciation. We hope you know—even to a degree—the difference that you have made. Thank you
If you haven’t had the chance to watch the video yet, here it is!
Abbotsford is a very caring community – I am so pleased that I moved here from Richmond.
So many volunteers, so many caring citizens.
Nice work on the video Brad!