




First time? 

Please bring ID and proof of address in Abbotsford. 

For those that do not have ID or proof of address, please let us know so we can chat about the food options.

We are distributing food to all Abbotsford residents that come to us in need of food during our hours of distribution.

However, we reserve the right to make alternative arrangements with any person who is showing symptoms of sickness or creating an unsafe environment.

Hours and Address 

Call ahead to make an appointment – 604-859-5749
To ensure we have enough food on site for each household – scheduling an appointment is greatly appreciated.

We help families, seniors, new community members, people who have recently lost their employment and more.

One food hamper per household per month is available. Food hamper will include pantry items, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and other produce when available.

Second Visit?


Upon second visit, we request that you register for short term hamper distribution. The following items listed below will be needed when registering.

Second Food Hamper





Need food short term? This is what you'll need to bring.

What do I need to bring on my second visit?

Returning Guest? Miss your pick up date? Please call to make an appointment: 604-859-5749

You will be asked to bring the following:

  • During BC’s State of Emergency we will not require any income testing
  • Proof of residency in Abbotsford (piece of current mail with your name on it)
  • Picture ID
  • Medical cards for everyone in the family

*household consists of all adults living in home. The information that is collected is to help us understand our guests circumstance and ensure there is adequate access to food to meet the needs of our guests.

We are providing access to food for all Abbotsford residents that come to us during our hours of distribution. However, we reserve the right to make alternative arrangements with any person who is showing symptoms of sickness or creating an unsafe environment.

Hours of Distribution:

Please note the time of hamper distribution depends on your household makeup.

  • Families with Children in their Care Mon -Thurs 9:30am -12pm
  • Youth Mon -Thurs 9:30 -12pm
  • Seniors over 60 Mon -Thurs 9:30am -12pm
  • Pregnant Mon -Thurs 9:30am -12pm
  • Singles and Couples Mon -Thurs 1:30pm -3:00pm

Please note: if you have

missed your scheduled hamper pick up date, please call 604-859-5749 to arrange a new pick up date. Thank you!

Live too far away? Need evening pick up? Check out our Neighbourhood Satellite times. Appointment required.



What if I’m Sick?

Are you in quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19 or travel?
Ask a friend or family to pick up on your behalf or give us a call for options! 604-859-5749

Your hunger, health and safety is a priority for us.

Key symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste
  • Difficulty breathing

Other symptoms may include:

  • Sore throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

For BC COVID-19 Self Assessment tool CLICK HERE.

Please fill out the form below. A staff member will call or email you during business hours after the form is filled.
Thank you! If you don’t hear from us within 2 days, please call – 604-859-5749

What is the Christmas Bureau?

Christmas can be a difficult time, especially on a limited income. The Christmas Bureau has two options for you. Either to be matched with a Christmas Neighbour who will provide direct support or invited to receive gifts and food through the Christmas Bureau’s toy bank and Christmas Food Basket.

**NEW**If you are currently registered at the Food Bank, please note that applying to the Christmas Bureau program is completely separate from your Food Bank access.

Due to our limited capacity, applications close November 24th.
**NEW** this program registration will be processed at a new location and will require income verification. PLEASE NOTE: this verification is NOT required for access to the Food Bank.

Matched with a Christmas NEIGHBOUR

You can choose to have groceries for a Christmas dinner, and gifts delivered to your door or arrange a meet up place. For this, you MUST have a working phone or email to be in contact with the sponsor. If you are not comfortable with a visit from a neighbour, please ask us about options.



Christmas Bureau’s
TOY BANK & Christmas Food Basket

You will have the opportunity to shop for your children (for free!) in our toy room, fully and graciously stocked by our community. You will also receive groceries for a Christmas dinner and extra Christmas treats.

Two appointments will be booked for December. One for Toy Room and one for Food Basket pick up at the Christmas Bureau.

Family Application   Senior Application

Program Info Translated

What can I expect after I fill out the application?

Please note: Filling out the application DOES NOT automatically qualify you to be matched with a Christmas Neighbour or enrolled in the Christmas Bureau program. But you will be able to access food at the Food Bank – access to the Food Bank will continue to be monthly.

**Please ensure you are ONLY adding dependent children who are in your care. Unfortunately, we are not sponsoring grandchildren.

  • A staff member will contact you if you need to update your food bank file
    (First time? Find out what you need to qualify click: here)
  • If you are updated you will be contacted when matched.
  • Once your information is confirmed, you will be be booked for a Toy Room date and Christmas Food Basket date.

Please call the Abbotsford Christmas Bureau if you have any questions or concerns.

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