Archway’s Toys for Tots Collects Over 1,500 Toys

The Archway Toys for Tots event collected more than 1,500 toys and $24,000 for gifts for children, youth and seniors on Friday, November 26th. 

“We weren’t sure how the turnout would be with the ongoing flooding, new location and new format, but once again we were amazed at how many people took the time to purchase and drop off a toy so others could have a better Christmas,” said Rebecca Thuro, a supervisor at the Archway Food Bank.

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Flood Response

We’re very fortunate that our Food Bank building was not negatively impacted by flooding.. But we are very concerned about possible disruptions to our supply chain. As you know, thousands of people rely on us to access essential food service each month. During this local emergency we are also supporting some displaced individuals including approximately 200 temporary farm workers. 

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More to the Story

More to the Story

By Rebecca Thuro & Food Justice Team

“Mom, can I go my friend’s birthday at the rec centre on Friday?” says Katrina to her mother Tricia. Tricia wants with all her heart for her daughter to be able to experience the joy of celebrating her friend, but she has a dilemma. The car ride to the rec centre is across town, and a birthday gift is out of the question. The last she checked, there was $20 in the bank, gas in the car was on empty and the fridge was looking bare. Friday’s pay day felt very far away.

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Mom and daughter

A Mom’s Difficult Decision

(3 Minute Read)
By Meghan Kellington & Rebecca Thuro

Jennifer has a lot of people depending on her. She is a single parent who deeply loves her three daughters – ages 13, 10, and 7. She is also tirelessly caring for her elderly mother who has been battling illness. Jennifer has been unable to work due to a disability and depends solely on the disability income to provide for her family. To make ends meet, Jennifer has been accessing food at the Food Bank.


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